Meet the Silver Photographer

Decades ago my avocation was photography and I had enough equipment to do all that I wanted to do. Cameras from 35mm up to 8X10. A darkroom with all of the equipment o process my negatives and make prints from those negatives. The I became convinced that film was dead and gone forever to be replaced by “Digital.”
Well, I’m retired now and looking for something to do “just for me.” Lo and Behold, not only is film not dead yet, but film is thriving with new companies springing up to manufacture the most popular products of the old days.

Man holding press camera under arm taking photograph in mirror with cell phone camera.

Classic Grindr pose, cell phone camera in front of the bathroom mirror showing what I got. And what I got is my brand-new-to-me Burke and James press camera with 135mm f:4.5 C. A. Steinheil Culminar tessar lens.

I’m looking forward to seeing how far I can take this lens and shutter combination.